Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Controllers arn't Standing Everywhere! Most of the Passengers don't Buy a Bus Tickets!

As I discover 6 person from 10 don't buy bus ticket. sometimes more than 6.I another station isn't near of university,no one check you.controllers arn't standing everywhere.Bus driver has no right check you.I often notice student sign in a fine sheet.fine cost is 15 Lari.For middle stratum are special coupon,cost 10 tetri.
The situation was absolutely different when we gave 40tetri bus driver. No one dared to go down without paying.I don't think someone thinks we study why is need to buy ticket.Everyone want to take care their pocket money. But who fill up our budget? It's interesting question.
Without answer.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

ჯიპას მედიამენეჯმენტის პირველ კურსელებს ყველას გილოცავთ ბლოგერობას! წერეთ საინტერესო ამბები! გისურვებთ ბევრ მკითხველს!