Friday, November 27, 2009

Most of the Passangers Do Not Buy the Bus Ticket

After establish the new pay system of a fee in municipal bus, Most of the passengers don’t buy bus ticket. Bus driver has no right check you. Only the controllers have responsibility to check passengers, in bus station. But they aren’t standing everywhere.
According to new pay system, when you get on the bus, first of all need to buy ticket, this is the rule for bus passengers. Then find a place to seat. This system is introduced in many countries. Firstly amount of income, after this system of transport company was million 300 000Gel. After the April it reduce and was only 950 000 Gel. But from October the amount of income increase and contain million 126 000 Gel. The posters of notice are in all buses window. If you don’t buy the ticket, you pay a fine. First time the cost of fine was 15 Gel. Recently the parliaments of Georgia receive the law about reducing the fine. Now it cost 5 Gel. Nowadays 30 000 number of passengers pay the fine. Drivers have no right check. ”We are free of this obligation, it’s very good decision for us, we only need to seat calm and see in front of the road!” said one driver Avto Jiqia.
The controllers, whose main duty are checking people; often stand near the stations of Universities, metro and Central Avenue. But as director of Transport Company Levan Koplatadze says” From 120 controllers, some of them don’t do their job, and we release from work.” They aren’t standing in their work time, place of control. In the near feature, the company plans to increase number of controllers. ”We are planning take a very strike control, but as we try this, recalcitrant passengers always have every sort of argument, don’t buy the bus ticket.” add Koplatadze.

The rest of citizens most pour into the coins in a special cashbox apparatus. Official cost of ticket is 40Tetri. In a special card, the cost of ticket for students is 20Tetri .In spite of, the most number of students don’t buy it. ” If I notice that, the controller isn’t in bus station, I go without ticket. I spend with care money!” said one anonymous student D.G. The trip cost 20Tetri for public schools and Kindergarten Teachers. 10Tetri – for people who have social parcel. They more often buy the tickets. Free tickets have only pupils , participate of war and blind people.
If passengers haven’t coins, they most have a special plastic card. Its cost 2Gel. Passengers can replenish deposit in desire account, in the bank of Georgia. Also the card is useful in metro. In case of second travel cost is -30Tetri, and all following- 20Tetri. The trip account reference begins at first, every day. In spite of this privilege offers, most people don’t buy ticket. Everyone wants to take care their pocket money. “I’m not often go by bus, and if sometimes I don’t have coins, what I have to do? Nothing goes in the centre of the town, except bus!” said of the citizen tea Gogoladze. “It’s another problem how many times need to wait it. I live in suburb, and the big yellow bus of our section is always crowded.” add Gogoladze. One of the controllers of movement of transport Pavle Sanishvili denies this fact.” If its traffic jam or some kind of problem and driver comes late, I let him go immediately. No one need to drop in destined of day trip. In this case they take diminish wage.” If the driver is drunkard, appropriate the cost of ticket, fuel or the passengers are dissatisfied, they leave the job. They gave the salary from company. More than 100 of call receive company, every day. The main problem is big interval of movement of bus.

According the rule of movement of transport, the buses drive one times in a 15 minute. After 9 p.m once an hour. Sometimes the reason of being late isn’t only traffic jam; also the reason is damage of buses.” In case of breaking down of bus, we exceed the time, but passengers’ opinions about this fact are exaggerated.” said driver Malchaz Dchincharadze.

“If the passengers use the buses of our company, they should pay,because this will make possible for us to improve the system of transportation.” Says Koplatadze. From 2010 year Transport Company have new plans to make system more fitting for passengers. The director recognized problems of big Dutch yellow buses, Ukrainiar little buses are more comfortable. In the near feature, they don’t plan to gain new buses, but From 30 damage buses, the company decide renew others. Also they plan to improve the system of GPRS. It provides, about delayed transport to give operation information of controller of movement of transport about delayed bus. Set in motion this system, passengers don’t have to need to wait buses a long time. As well the company starts work in new scheme of transport, and plans to redistribute it different way.

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